John Denver and old Chevy's

John Denver and old Chevy's...

You might have seen it by now…the new Chevy holiday commercial featuring the grandmother with Alzheimer's, and the granddaughter who takes her out for a drive in a ‘72 Suburban with John Denver’s 
"Sunshine on my Shoulders" playing in the background, in an attempt to revive her memory by visiting some of her favorite childhood places. 

Well Chevy, you got me.

Thing is…I learned to drive in my Dad's 72 Blazer. And I listened to John Denver albums on our family's new turntable. And we lost my mother in law a few years back to dementia. So yah, Chevy pushed ALL the buttons on this tearful demographic!

"Sunshine" was not my favorite JD song growing up, or even as an early songwriter. Seemed too simple, too direct, too fluffy to be a great song. Great songs had to be challenging, aloof, tricky…you know…Bob Dylan kinda stuff. But as I've worn a bit of tread off my tires, I've realized how deceptively challenging those simple truths can be to capture in both art and in our lives. Think of this verse…

If I had a day that i could give to you

I'd give to you a day just like today

Simple. Touching. Brilliant.

So friends…my wish for you this Holiday season is that you rediscover the simple truths in your own lives…and hold them close to your hearts throughout the year. And I hope that our paths will cross again soon :-)

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